Friday, July 31, 2009


If you examine what has been called the agenda of any group of 'fundamentalists' as perceived by contemporary nations,governments, cultures, media,etc. you will find there is little difference between any of them as they tend to go to extremes,believing that they alone have the 'truth' and that they are, in essence, doing GOD'S WILL. The imposition of codes of dress,the control and monitoring of books,education, diet,doctrine, and certain behaviors characterizes these groups,which some call 'radical','extremist' etc. Each of these groups are fully capable of VIOLENCE, despite their claims of 'love','peace' humanity,etc. They all have in mind CONTROL of people, MANIPULATION of minds and bodies. Think about this.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Many persons in the US have very ignorant conception of Chinese, derived in part from eating in Chinese Restaurants and seeing portrayals of Orientals, many of whom are NOT Chinese, in various movies, from the early silents to the latest Bollywoods/KUNGFU types. Most Americans could never learn even the simplest Chinese expressions not to mention the complete inability to write what they term as 'characters', which are,in truth, much more capable of expressing concepts and ideas than most English words or sentences! Believe it or not! More will be said about this. My struggles with Chinese are more far along than any of my struggles with Sanskrit! But I have barely begun to study languages which is a lacking side to my 'education' and that of most Americans who have been brought up to disdain all other languages in general for a number of reasons.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Three of the great Monotheistic Religions of the World: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are,in this present 21st Century in conflict,although there have been times when they were in harmony. But within each of these Great Religions there have been conflicts, schisms, and problems that perhaps have never been resolved and never will be. Those who embrace these Religions usually have a strong emotional base and from their intellectual standpoint(s) consider themselves right, justified in their beliefs and actions, and those who do not agree with them as 'The Enemy' or wrong,evil,etc. An admiration of these Great Religions need not be considered an endorsement or acceptance of them on each and every level or on any level except the historical/geographical area, perhaps. The old theosophical notion of THERE IS NO RELIGION HIGHER THAN TRUTH perhaps best sums up the whole affair, but,unfortunately, some religions believe they are,indeed, higher than TRUTH!


As we look at history we find that it is not only governments and nations(countries, states,etc) that are in conflict,even war and strife, but that entire cultures are in constant conflict. The reasons for such often discussed, sometimes analyzed, and written extensively about in books, journals, newspapers(the few remaining) and magazines(which are changing also) seldom reach the consciousness of the ordinary people, those often referred to as 'the masses'. In this blog I hope to discuss the nature of culture, the varieties of culture, and the conflicts that have arisen over the centuries, especially those that have been long forgotten, and those that are now active in this present era, present time, present century. It is a most formidable task and will never be fully understood or completed.